15 Elements that Make Your Content Engaging

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You must have seen online narratives that shout, “Content is King”, but making your content king is pretty tough. This is because your content competes with 15.87 terabytes of data per day! At any given moment brands, businesses, individuals, influencers, etc. across social media, websites, and emails, are in a race to catch the attention of the viewer, which sadly spans only 8 seconds (competing with the goldfish here!). So one thing is clear. Making your content stand out in the fiercely competitive digital space is certainly a tough task. 

But is it impossible? Not at all. In this blog, through our research and experience of making it work for some of the best names in the industry, we bring you the 15 must-have elements that make your brand stand out in the crowded digital space.

15 Ways to Create Highly Engaging Content 

Some brands are doing phenomenally well and out of reach from the multitude of content on the internet. What is it that these brands do differently? Have they decoded how the algorithms work or got into the user’s psyche? What these brands do know for certain is the art of applying proven strategic elements to their content to make it engaging for their audience. Let’s see what are some of the the most proven ways to make content engaging for the audience.

1. Anecdote

Attract With Anecdotes

Anecdotes are the most failproof way to strike an instant chord with your audience. Iconic brands like Apple, Coca-Cola, Google, Dove, and Nike have captured the attention of millions through anecdotal campaigns and storytelling that refuse to leave viewer’s minds even after decades. Anecdotes have an instant appeal and work directly on the psyche of people. You can use it to bring your brand story to life or share the experience of real customers.

2. Facts

Connect With Your Audience With Facts

Adding credible facts from credible sources remains one of the top ways to make your content more engaging. Let’s do a test. Would you be more likely to believe the above statement if I backed it with data from credible sources emphasizing that 75% of respondents found data-backed content more credible? Or would you rely solely on belief without evidence? 

Today’s discerning audience isn’t gullible and knows how to find their way. The only way and a good way to make it to the audience’s heart is through power-packed fact-based content. This builds brand credibility and develops a loyal customer base.

3. Pro Tips

Share Pro Tips For Humans

Google has always reiterated its inclination to support content that is based on a “people-first” approach and is based on expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T). When the internet world is filled with data about anything and everything what is it that you are delivering that is unique? Why should the audience bother to view the refurbished content, that says the same thing in different words? What is your content’s X-Factor? Sharing pro tips through analytical insights, and adding original POV is one of the key ways to make your content stand out.

Nobody cares to read the content that is stale and a makeshift version of narratives already present on the internet. People seek a blend of uniqueness, authority, and credibility in the content they choose. They are always looking for what more can they get from the time they spend with your content. And if doesn’t have a unique appeal then they close tabs in the blink of an eye.

4. Story-telling

Bring Your Brand To Life With A Story

Why is it that people remember stories they learned as 5 years old, but fail to remember other simpler things they saw a week ago? It is because stories stick and make a deep emotional connection that stays for years, and customers love stories!

Jennifer Aaker, the author of the book titled “Dragonfly Effect” states that stories are remembered up to 22 times more than facts alone. And content that works on story-telling appeals to the customers as well. A survey reveals that approx. 75% of customers want brands to include stories in their marketing campaigns, and when it’s the customers’ wish, it becomes an unmissable opportunity for brands to connect emotionally, build trust, and create a lasting impact.

5. Graphs

Back Your Content With Graphs

Graphs are a great addition to a content plan. Not only does it give your viewer a visually appealing quick insight, but is an excellent way to break the monotony of the content. Readers usually spend the first few seconds to take a glance through the content and make a decision if the piece is worth spending time on. A graph loaded with important insights provides them with a visual anchor and allows them to decide in their favor.

6. Images

Add Visual Appeal With Images

Ever heard about an increase in engagement by 1100% solely through the power of images? A company did exactly that! A company named Conversational is known to have increased its engagement by using Canva images and saw an increase in engagement of 1100%. This is just an example of how images can make your content stand out. 

7. Tables

Engage Your Audience Through Dynamic Tables

If you are talking about an already complex and heavy topic, the attention span is sure to dwindle. But what if you give your readers precise information in tabular format? There are two things you achieve. 

For one you give your raiders what they came looking for thus delivering clarity and you build trust in seconds. The reader is happy that they didn’t have to read through the whole content, AND you bring forth the point that addressing your reader’s query is your prime focus. It is a win-win situation for both because the next time your readers seek an answer they know where to come looking for it, ultimately driving engagement.

8. Analogies

Simplify Complexity With Analogy

Even though understanding the target audience’s persona is the first step when writing content, let’s face it, you can’t expect everybody to have the same level of understanding as an expert, especially when it comes to complex terminologies and concepts. A report from Forbes touches upon these facts and talks about “Extreme Clarity,” which involves communicating information in a way that leaves no ambiguity in the reader’s mind, ensuring all readers have the same understanding. This is where analogies come in. 

Using analogy is the safest way to make sure that the point gets through without the risk of overexplaining and using a lot of words. Analogies have the power to make even the most complex concept simple and easy to relate to, proving beneficial for brands as audiences are in sync and can relate to the brand.

9. Examples

Educate With Examples

According to us examples are the most beneficial way of bringing your audience closer to your brand. When used effectively and strategically examples can bring to life vivid imagery of what’s possible with the product or service that you provide and make the readers think and take action. When you explain through an example of how your service helps clients achieve their goals or how a particular feature of the product solves a specific problem, you are slowly instilling positive associations about your brand into the client’s mind. By weaving real-world examples into the narrative, you can help potential customers visualize themselves benefiting from your offerings, making them more likely to engage with your brand.

10. Case Studies

Drive Your Point With a Stellar Case Study

Your Readers seek proof. Period.  And they make faster decisions when they know many others in similar positions have benefitted from your products and services. A Case Study not only has the power to engage but also turn visitors into clients. It drives home the possibilities that can be explored and the real-world examples of how things have worked for others. Additionally, it also builds credibility for the brands as it highlights the work they have already done.


Quote the authorities and leaders

A good quote at the right place at the right time can make your reader think AND take action! A quote can change something internally for the readers, evoke emotions that stay hidden, and appeal in a way nothing else can. Quotes from famous personalities can start conversations and make people get up and take notice of what’s being said. Using quotes strategically can have a long-lasting impact on the readers and drive engagement. 

12. Interview Excerpt

Add relevant interview excerpts to the content

Another factor that makes your content shine is the use of interview excerpts. Adding expert insights from some of the top voices in the niche you are writing for drives the narrative that you know your stuff and since you are taking insights from some of the best in the business and top luminaries, you are a trusted authority in the field. 

13. Illustrations

Ignite Action With Illustration

If you have a long form of content that touches multiple points about a particular niche, and no matter how effective your content is, slowly along the way the reader is bound to feel boredom. Keeping the reader engaged throughout needs more than effective writing. This is where content-heavy topics can ease the eye through illustrations. Personalized illustrations that have a distinct brand identity can add visual appeal, improve comprehension, and connect in such a way with the audience that the gist of the content stays fresh through visual imagery.

14. Explainer Videos

Spruce Up Your Content With Explainer Video

There is an audience for the written content, and there is one for the video medium. However, adding explainer videos And long-form content can be made more effective through product/service explainer videos that have the power to communicate highly complex information in engaging formats. These short videos bring your audience a step closer to your product and service quickly by driving conversions, boosting website traffic, as well as increasing SEO rankings.  

15. Research References

Stand Out With Research References 

Data backed by research can make a marked difference in the way your readers perceive your content. Datapoints, facts, and concepts backed by robust research from third-party sources leave a long-lasting impact and established credibility for the content. 

It also provides readers who want in-depth details about a topic more information and improves engagement if organically integrated into the content.

Boost Engagement with Hyper-Effective, Human-Centered Content

Making an online presence needs a holistic approach that combines the elements mentioned in this blog. However, the strategic use of each of these backed by an equally strong content strategy forms the base of a successful digital marketing strategy. Hence, brands must partner with skilled professionals who know the industry inside out and have the expertise to bring their brand voice effectively to the masses. 

At Elorites, we help brands build a distinguished online presence through high-impact messaging that delivers real results. Boost your business with epic content that converts with Elorites.